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**If you have attended the Women's Empowerment Group or have seen me for Individual Life Coaching you will receive 30% off for your Reiki Session**


1 hour/ $60




30 min/ $30



This is a private session.  During a Reiki session, the client lays on the Reiki/massage table fully clothed.  The practitioner then lays their hand on their head, shoulders, chest, back, stomach and limbs, to scan the human energy field for any blockages in the energy centers (chakras) located on the body. 

There are seven energy centers located within the human energy field.  The human energy field reaches out to the tips of your reached arms and extends to the length of your body; from head to toe.



The human energy field is in constant communication with everything in our environment and every person we come in contact with.  Each person’s energy field contains information pertaining to their emotions that have been experienced throughout their life; both positive and negative. The emotional energy we hold within our energy field influences the physical tissue. Every single emotion that you have experienced in life, whether it’s past or present, no matter how tragic, or who or what was involved is contained in the energy field and reflected in our physical bodies either literally or symbolically, in the form of physical illness or disease



For example, at the base of our spine is the energy center known at the Root Chakra. The energy contained in this energy center is the Tribal Power or Family Power, symbolizing group identity, group force, group will power and group belief patterns.  Our connection to our family brings us a sense of belonging. This energy is connected to the spinal column, rectum, legs, bones, feet and immune system.  Emotions originate within the family unit. Unstable emotions are generated from a dysfunctional family, such as; depression, multiple personalities, obsessive-compulsive disorder and destructive patterns like addictions.  The fears surrounding this energy center are fears of physical survival, abandonment by the group, loss of physical order.  The strengths build from this energy center are loyalty, code of honor and justice.


Ask yourself;

  • What belief patterns did   you inherit from your family?

  • Do you have any unfinished business with our family? If so, what prevents you from healing those issues?

  • If you are raising your own family, list the qualities that you would like your children to learn from you and those you want to release that no longer serve a purpose.


The way that I perform Reiki can help you to release what no longer serves you. Bring balance to your Mind, Body and Spirit!


About Reiki Healing Sessions

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